Friday, May 9, 2008

Hollywood summary group C

part 1
Seeing movie ia a popular these days and many people are interested in the history of movie production. There is some information about movies from the beginning. This history have been started fromat the end of the 19th century. A producers need a camera and a projector. The former is for making movies and the latter one for showing movies. Who did invent them? Thomas Edison was a famous inventor in the U.S bacause he invented electric lamp and phonograph. Also he was patent which means he could make or sell invention even he didn't create them.Thomas Edison was patent holder for a camera in the U.S. Edison and his friend, William Dickson, worked on two kinds of machines. One of them was, the kinetograph, which recorded movement and make made the movies. Last one was, and the kinetoscope, which was used for viewing the movie. Edison hadgot the right to make and sell the kinetoscope in 1891 and three years later in 1894 this machine was shown to the public in New York city. Every person for seeing movie needs an individual kinetoscope to watch a movie, which means limitation for earning money for Edison.

InOn the other hand, the projector invented by the Lumiere brothers in France in 1895 which lets many people see movies at the same time. Also they were film makers and they made the first movie. It was in a train, but people thought the train was coming toward them, and therfore they were scared. The Lumire brothers were top of the list at making movies, so Edison got jelous of them.

In 1896, Edison wasbecame the ownerpatent holder of the projector patent in 1896 which was invented by Thomas Armat in the U.S. Edison had a very good feeling about himself, so he put his name on the projector. After that he earned money and controlled on the movie industries.

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