Thursday, May 29, 2008

Model Comparison

  1. Differences between Shannon- Weaver model and Schramm's

    Two early models of communication are those of Schramm and Shannon-Weaver. In Schramn’s model, the components such as the source and destination are more clearly depicted than in the Shannon-Weaver model. Also, the concepts of encoder and decoder in Schramn’s model are unique because according to Schramm, a message needs to be encoded (in writing, speaking or filming) by the source and decoded by the receiver. In contrast, with the Shannon-Weaver model, the message is not encoded or decoded. Furthermore, Schramn’s model adds the idea that the source and receiver must have the same field of experience in order for the message to be clearly understood. On the other hand, the concept of noise, which includes anything that can interrupt a communication process, is unique to Shannon-Weaver’s. Although the models differ in some ways, many of the same terms are used to describe the communication process.
  2. Many models of communication share similar aspects. There is one important similarity and a major difference between Schramm's Model and a model of intercultural communication that can be found in Devito (1996). Both of them have receiver and sender, so sources and receiver interact each other, which means they send and receive messages to and from each others. On the other hand, Schramm's model depitcts communication happening in the overlap bewteen fields of experience, but the model of intercultural communication did not mention any common areas between source and receiver. Overall, it appears that the Devito model was likely influenced by earlier models such as Schramm's.

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